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Monday, June 15, 2009

Call of Duty: World at War

Call of Duty: World at War (CoDWaW) is the latest installment in the Call of Duty series, a highly acclaimed bunch of First Person Shooters that, were set in World War 2. Call of Duty 4 took a step in the direction of freshness and originality, and decided to be set in Modern Times. Call of Duty: World at War, while it could have been an excitingly new experience in World War 2, just remains utterly stellar. There is NOTHING exciting here. It is comparable to a World War 2 mod for Modern Warfare, only, it isn't, so there is NO excuse for it being so utterly appalling. The Call of Duty series, since its beginning, has been well-known for bursting onto the World War 2 scene and revolutionizing it. It has helped spawn the generations of World War 2 knock-offs that are so prevalent in the First Person genre, so you'd think by now they'd be used to delivering high-quality games.

The Graphics are good, the environments are a bit bland, and extremely repetitive. You'd think that the jungles of the Pacific would be a great place to set unforgettable battles. The Graphics are okay - nothing special, but as said, I think all the new-end graphics look the exact same. The level-design is boring and straight-forward (The main pro to setting a game in a jungle is that it gives you a lot of areas to explore, but this is not so), and there are a heap of invisible barriers that prevent progress at any direction but straight ahead.

Sounds were good. Voice acting was pretty good, about at par. Some voice actors were better, some were worse. A couple other teamates had good voice actors, but no one talked nearly as much as your CO.

The story is standard WWII, mostly deals with assaulting the Japanese in the Pacific, and partially deals with helping the Russians reclaim lost territory. The only thing this game has got going for it is its World War 2 background, but it jumps around so much you can barely tell what is happening.

The game is very linear and enemies do almost the exact same thing every time you encounter them. Throw in some unbearable waiting periods, like waiting for someone to open a door, or taking a boat onto the beach, or listening to your teamates chew the fat, that can sometimes exceed the amount of time you'll spend killing enemies in a mission.

With high expectations this game greatly failed. Quite a disappointment. If i where you i'll stick to Modern Warfare.

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